A retrospective study to evaluate the effect on an activated carbon dressing on chronic wounds
Young S, Gray S and Hampton S; Poster presentation TVS 2016
Long Fiber Activated Carbon Cloth as a Skin Contact Layer Reverses Moisture Associated Dermatitis
Winkler Sr. MJ; Poster presented at SAWC 2018
Research into fabrics used in compression therapy and assessment of their impact on treatment regimens.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Hegarty-Craver M, Grant E, Kravitz S, Reid L, Kwon K and Oxhenham W.; Article in J Wound Care. 2014 Sep;23(9):S14, S16, S18-22
The Usage of Activated Carbon Cloth (Zorflex) In A Multiple Comorbid Chronic Wound patient: A Case Study.
Ming Long K, Chee Yang L, Kar Chun T, Izzati Bt Mohd Roslan R and Mohd Bukhari Muslim; Poster presented at Global Woundcare Conference Kuala Lumpur 2019
Challenging present concepts in compression therapy: static stiffness index is not consistent and not clinically relevant.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Kravitz S1, Hegarty-Craver M, Reid L; Article in J Wound Care. 2016 Feb;25(2):S4, S6-8.
Simulated pressure changes in multilayer, multicomponent wrap systems when transitioning from rest to standing.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Hegarty-Craver M, Grant E, Kravitz S, Kwon C and Reid L; Article in J Wound Care. 2015 Sep;24 Suppl 9:S14-20.
Recalcitrant Ulcer in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Role of Activated Carbon Cloth Dressing
Ying Siew Lu; Poster presented at Global Woundcare Conference Kuala Lumpur 2019
Using a silver-coated polymeric substrate for the management of chronic ulcerations: the initial Mayo Clinic experience, R. A. Moore et al
The Use of a Silver-Nylon Dressing During Evacuation of Military Burn Casualties.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
Moore RA, Liedl DA, Jenkins S and Andrews KL; Adv Skin Wound Care 2008 Nov;21(11):517-20